Ruth Moshodi

With a background in Business Informatics, which bridges business and IT, Ruth has embraced her multipotentiality and thrives in diverse environments. Her career has spanned multi-faceted roles, ultimately leading her to focus on providing customer insights as her core expertise.

She is passionate about humanizing businesses through customer experience - prioritizing customer needs and pain points to shape company strategies and decision-making processes.

From Botswana, Ruth continued her career in Berlin at Expatrio, a fintech startup, where she utilized UX testing, surveys, social listening, behavioral monitoring, and data analysis to inform decision-making.

She currently works at a sports retail company, where she contributes to unifying marketing technology for the group, and delivers relevant insights for decision-making.

Living in Berlin has exposed her to the startup ecosystem, allowing her to witness the gains, challenges, and opportunities faced by young entrepreneurs through START Berlin. Her interest in diverse business models led her to take on the exciting role of Program Advisor at AWEC.